Breznay Pal


1962Born in Budapest, Hungary
1976-80Budapest Art School, goldsmith's section
1980-81Preparatory course at the Superior School of Fine Arts in Budapest
1981-85Academy of Fine Arts of Ravenna, atelier Folli
1986-91École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts Paris, atelier Cremonini


1978House of Culture Tengelic, Hungary
House of Culture Tevel, Hungary
1980Gallery of the Town of Tokaj, Hungary
1981Gallery St. Andrea , Parma, Italy
1982Kunsthalle, Lingen, Germany
1984 and 1985Academy of Fine Arts of Ravenna, Italy
1986Gallery Municipal , Fusignano, Italy
Haus der Begegnung, Munich, Germany
1988Theater of Bagnacavallo, Italy
1993Gallery Fazzioli, Paris
1994Regional Council of Ile de France, Paris
Gallery of the autumn wind, Paris
1995Grand Marché of Contemporary Art, Espace Champerret, Paris
1996Festival of Art of the Orne, Argentan
Gallery Artcour , Paris
1997Gallery Csók , Budapest
Gallery Bocskay , Budapest
ICSEB-World Congress of Biology, Budapest
Gallery Palm Beach , USA
1998Gallery of the Arches, Paris
1999Gallery Koller , Budapest
Gallery St. Andrea Parma, Italy
2000Gomaringen Castle, Germany
2001Museum of Lake Balaton, Keszthely, Hungary
2003Gallery Máltai Szeretetotthon, Páty, Hungary
Gallery Szentkorona, Székesfehérvár, Hungary
Gallery MOM , Budapest
2004Gallery Máltai Szeretetotthon, Páty, Hungary
Gallery Pannonia , Sopron, Hungary
Gallery Pataky , Budapest
2005Gallery Alföldi, Hódmezôvásárhely, Hungary
Gallery Moldvay Gyôzô , Hatvan, Hungary
Gallery Pataky , Budapest
Gallery Arcis, Sárvár, Hungary
2007Scheffer Gallery, Budapest
City Hall of the 11th District of Budapest
"100 Years 100 Painters" Basilica of Budapest
Gallery Symbol , Budapest
House of Culture of 12th district of Budapest
Gallery MOM , Budapest
2009Gallery Vizivárosi Municipal of Budapest, with Mária Gánóczy
And József Breznay (parents)
2009Gallery Jamault, Versaille, France
2010Museum of Fonyód, exhibition with the sculptor Boldi
2014Palais des Expositions Bálna, Hungarian Painting Day, Budapest
Within the framework of the society of artists Mednyánszky
2011Museum of Fine Arts Arad, Romania
2011 Gallery Csongrad , Hungary
2011 Gallery, Foundation Kogart "The duration of the bath", Budapest, Hungary
2011 Museum of Modern Art - MODEM-Debrecen "The duration of the bath", Hungary
2012 Balassi Institut-Collegium Wien, Gallery Hungary, Wien Austria.
2012 Virág Judit Gallery "In the public square", Budapest, Hungary
2012 Fortressed Siklós, Siklós, Hungary
2013 Exhibition of the Mednyánszky Society of Art in the Contemporary Hungarian Gallery,
2013 Gallery Hungarian Art Contanporaine, Dunaszerdahely, Slovakia
2014 Gallery Arcis, Sárvár, Hungary
Dunaszerdahely, Slovakia - As part of the Völgyi-Skonda collection:
2014 Nádasdy Castle Galery In the exhibition hall of Arcis, Mednyánszky Society of Art, - Hungary
2015 HeartSpace Manor , Nagykovacsi, Hungary
2016 The Mednyánszky Society of Art is in the exhibition hall of Aradi Fine Arts - Museum,Romania
2017 Palóc museum to Balassagyarmat the Mednyánszky Society of - Art in the Contemporary Palóc museum to Balassagyarmat , Hungary
2017 Jubilee exhibition of Molnar C. Pal circle studio-museum, Budapest
2017 Museum Lazienski Królewsky, "The duration of the bath", Warsaw, Poland
2019 Gallery Paris Pallas, -” I Peint Suzhou” Souzhou,Chine
2019 Gallery Francis Barlier, Paris
2019 Gallery Bartók 1 , Budapest, „Renewable tradition”


1985 First prize of youth, medal of gold "Luca Zacagnini", Ravenna
1992/94 November in Vitry
1993 Trophies of color (Lefranc & Bourgeois), Le MansExhibition ,
1993 "Dialogues", Mûcsarnok, Exhibition palace of Budapest
1994 Cirque d'Hiver, Paris
Grand prize of painting of the city of Saint Grégoire
Prices Fénéon, Paris
2000 Price Boitat in Barbison,France
2003 First prize Hors art painting at the XIth Artcheval exhibition in Saumur,France
2006 First prize at the festival of Hungarian painting, TV audience award, Hungary


1992 Autumn Show (Salon dAutomne) Paris
1994 Salon Boulogne-Billancourt, Salon du Lion's Club, Montrouge,France
1996 Salon of young painting, Angers,France
1997 Exhibition of the National Society of Fine Arts, Paris
2006 XIVth Edition, Salon of (Horsart) Ar(T)cheval Saumur, France
2009 Autumn Fair, Hódmezôvásárhely, Hungary
2014 XXIIth Edition, of (Horsart) Ar (T) CHEVAL, Saumur,France


2013 Fair Art Market, Budapest, Gallery Vizivárosi
2014 Fair Brafa , Gallery Kalman Makllary Fine Arts
2014 Fair Art14 London, Gallery Kalman Maklary Fine Arts
2014 Fair Art Paris, Gallery Kalman Maklary Fine Arts
2014 Fair SAI Art Tel Aviv
2015 Fair Brafa, Gallery Kalman Maklary Fine Arts
2018 Fair Art Karlsruhe Gallery Maklary Klman Fine
2019 Fair Art West Lake 22 edtion, Hangzhou, China


2019 8th. Bejing International Art Biennale, „Colorfulm World and a Shared Futur”Museum of China, Beijing , China


1991 Gallery Philippe Frégnac, Paris
1994 Gallery Cheval de Sable, Paris
1994 Regional Council of Ile de France, Paris
1995 Press Club of France, Paris
1997 Gallery Naza, Miami
1998 Gallery Duna, Budapest
1999 Gallery Parragh, Budapest
2000 Gallery Etienne de Causans Gallery, Paris
2001 Gallery Etienne de Causans , Paris
2002 Gallery Clément , Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Fance
2003 Gallery Etienne de Causans , Paris
2005 Gallery Etienne de Causans , Paris
2006 French Institute, Budapest
2007 Gallery Scheffer, Budapest
2008 Gallery Etienne de Causans , Paris
2008 Gallery Sun, Sedona Arizona
2009 Gallery Municipal Spiska Nova VesIglo Slovakia,
2010 Gallery Suez, Hague, Netherland
2010 Gallery Art Workshop, Lycée Sainte Pulchérie, Istanbul
2010 Gallery Etienne de Causans , Paris
2011 Gallery Remonstrantst Kerk, Groningen, The Netherlands
2012 Gallery Etienne de Causans , Paris
2013 Gallery Art 5, Baden (Vienna)
2013 Gallery Koko Maria-Hilfer , Vienna
2014 Gallery Alte Baden, Bad Bellingen, Germany
2015 Gallery Etienne de Causans, Paris
2017 Gallery Etienne de Causans, Paris
2017 Gallery Pinter contemporary &design art, Budapest, Hungary
2019 Gallery Etienne de Causans , Paris